about to be BUSTED!
The bull stops here…
get it…because its a picture of a bull…
Deep breath in… Deep breath out… I may be blowing your mind here in a minute so I want you to prepare yourself…
Dirty hair does NOT take color better- Sorry y’all. I believe this was a trend back when hair coloring really started taking off in I dunno, the 50’s? Well, your Nana’s hair color was basically radioactive so a little bit of a natural oil coating was probably recommended back then (possibly just to soothe the scalp a little bit). Fortunately for us, modern day, spoiled by technology beauty enthusiasts, hair color has come light years from where it began. Heck, most of the color we use today actually conditions as it colors.
This being said, if you are coming in for grey coverage it is super important that you actually have clean hair so that the color doesn’t have a barrier between it and doing the job right.
If you are having highlights put in your hair I stress this as well. If your hairstylist is trying to put in a soft babylight on dirty hair, it will be harder to properly “weave” the hair into the exact ratio of light to dark. Dirty hair tends to stick to other hair while clean hair glides much easier.
Cutting your ends does NOT make it grow faster- All right, somewhere along the way, someone started this rumor and it has got to stop! Your hair grows from the scalp, not the ends. Yes, I do recommend getting regular trims especially if you are wanting to grow your hair longer but this is to stop hair breakage. Think of your hair as a sweater with a loose thread… If you don’t cut the thread, it will continue to fray. But, the only thing that will make your hair grow faster out of your scalp is a supplement that is consumed. Hair is grown underneath the skin and then comes out to play.
Plucking a grey hair will make 3 more appear- if this were true, every man with male pattern balding would be plucking his hair everyday. Hair grows from a follicle not some weird sprouting vine. Now, I seriously encourage NOT plucking your grey hairs because trauma to the follicle over time can make it quit producing hair and then instead of having grey hair… you have none. BUM BUM BUMMMMMM truth bomb. Not to mention how annoying those short curly greys growing back in and sticking up like Alfalfa.
Brushing your hair 100 times before bed- so yeah, no. I mean, if you have a lot of tangles and it takes 100 strokes to get them out then I guess that’s cool but….yeah…
Basically, your hair is a delicate flower, the least amount of friction the better. Brush your hair till it is tangle free and then move on because otherwise your just causing unnecessary roughness to your precious locks.