What are Babylights?
Hello Hello my lovely readers! O.K. so this week we are talking about Babylights! Last week we discussed Balayage and who would benefit from it and as promised I am back breaking it down for anyone interested.
What can it do? Well, It may be easier to answer what CAN’T it do? From mega blonde to subtle sunkissed color, this service is incredibly versatile and may just be exactly what you are looking for. This service could be an amazing addition to brunette or red hair by adding a little depth to a solid hair color by either adding brightness or deepening the tone of your current hair color. Pair it with a clear gloss toner and oh man are you looking snazzy!
How is it done? As the image above depicts a lady covered in foil, you may also find yourself covered…or buried under enough aluminum to communicate with the space station… well, the reason for this is that babylights are exactly what they sound like… Tiny little highlights… like…tiny… I’m talking barely enough to hold the foil in place thus, creating a super natural look and seamless blend into your natural color. As stated before, you can go subtle or full on bombshell blonde with this technique.
How long does it take, and how often to retouch? Depending on your desired outcome will greatly effect the amount of time each appointment takes but generally this technique will take a couple.. maybe three + hours of salon time. Maintenance on this type of service is wholly dependent on how dramatic the color change is from your natural color and how fast your hair grows…. my collagen peptide ladies… y’all are gonna have to prepare to come in sooner because that magical powder has your hair growing like crazy!
As always, the best way to decide if a service is right for you is to book an appointment for a consultation. Always, discuss your concerns and hair goals with a professional, if a stylist is worth their scissors than they will be honest with you on their ability to deliver on your wishes. Oh, and above all else, DO NOT, TRY THIS AT HOME.
Love and best wishes as you continue to kick the butts off those New Year’s resolutions! See you next week!