Please Stop...
Please, just stop
It’s for your own good…
Hey, howdy, hey, you guys! So I realize that the headline is a bit…aggressive? Well, I’m like that pushy friend that is gettin a lil bossy at the moment but, only because I care… (my best friend, and my sister just rolled their eyes really hard because this is actually 100% my real personality) So here’s the deal, I’m gonna lay out a few hard core hair health killers and hopefully you will abandon your wicked ways and join the light side… we have bobbles and leave in.
Applying hot irons to hair that is still slightly wet- oh em gee you guys!! This one is a BIGGIE, my own flesh and blood sister was guilty of this and I felt broken to my core… I had failed her, this whole time I could have prevented the sizzling, crackling damage being done daily to her precious hair. Basically, just don’t do it… your hair does not like being steamed.
Using actual rubber bands- Y’all, this happens… I see people do this. First of all, it makes me cringe because I can’t imagine it feels good when you try to take your hair down. Second, it puts too much strain on one spot in the hair while applying way to much traction…perfect storm for breakage and tangling.
Using inappropriate oils to condition your hair- I realize that coconut oil can save the world, it is a magical substance hands down. However, your hair and skin aren’t great at absorbing these type of oils and instead the oil tends to create a TON of build up on the hair and the scalp. Stick with oils made for your hair that are specific to your hair needs.
Over use of Keratin infused products- O.K. so this one is a bit controversial, but my experience has proven this to me. Keratin is a great addition to your hair IF applied correctly i.e. a keratin complex treatment where the keratin is actually bonded to the hair. Otherwise, the keratin infused shampoo’s and leave in’s tend to cause the hair to be overloaded and can even cause more breakage. Disclaimer: This is my personal observation after years of watching clients and myself try varying Keratin products. This does not apply to keratin treatments done in salon by a LICENSED professional, those are awesome. Feel free to book yours today…wink. wink.
Yanking vs. brushing- I can not say this enough, always start by brushing your hair from the ends and then work your way up to the roots. If you start at the top and just start yanking through, you are actually tightening the tangles making it so much harder to remove them.
Plucking your greys- For real, come on… Y’all I get it, nobody likes those little guys but they are there and they will grow right back in the same color so just do yourself a favor and book an appointment to start grey maintenance, You can start slow with a demi-permanent color that will not be harsh when it begins to grow out but will still help conceal beginning stages of greying hair.
O.K. that is my current list of “cut it out” behavior, I hope you all will have better hair from this moment on. I love writing these little articles and would love your feedback, please comment below and feel free to ask questions that may be the topic of my next post.
Love and Blessings,