Real tips and tricks to better hair that you can start today!

Hello, Hello my lovely people!

The internet is FULL of gimmicks and tricks on how to get better hair, I know you have all heard some crazy ideas floating around the internet. First, put down the tub of mayonnaise people! Its weird and smells bad! Second, it really isn’t an unattainable goal, you CAN have awesome hair no matter what texture you were born with BUT… it may come at a price… literally, invest in good products, tools, etc. and your hair will thank you for it. Here are my top 5 nuggets of knowledge for awesome hair:

  1. The WET Brush- People, this thing is no joke… It brushes out the thickest of hair or the finest, it does not discriminate. You can glide this puppy through freshly showered hair and it gently removes tangles… If you have kids, stop what you are doing and Amazon one right now! For real, my daughter will not brush with out this bad boy!

  2. Silk/Satin pillow case- This is a classic you guys, your Grandma has one… your Great Aunt Tessie has one… And this is why YOU need one: zero friction.. yep… even your pillow case is damaging your precious strands. Unless, you’re sleeping Beauty, you probably toss and turn just a little bit which causes friction…unless you have a silk or satin pillowcase. I personally use satin because you can just toss them in the wash but if you wanna get super classy, go full on silk! Also, silk pillowcases aren’t just beneficial for you hair, they are super awesome for face wrinkles as well.. just like with our hair, no friction to cause sleep lines! Yep, I’m your new best friend.

  3. Collagen Peptide powder- Ok, this one takes about 4 weeks before you will start seeing results but seriously, you will see results! One or two scoops each morning in your cup of coffee will greatly boost your hair’s health. I have seen such awesome results on clients looking for thicker hair, healthier hair, faster growing hair etc.. y’all, for real, this stuff is legit! Look for a grass fed bovine (cow) peptide powder. Make sure you buy from a reputable company so that you are getting good a quality product or you will not see great results. CPP also helps your skin, nails and joints… Fountain. Of. Youth! You’re welcome.

  4. Leave in Conditioner- I prefer “Saints and Sinners” or “It’s a 10” both of these are great products that do not weigh the hair down. Basically this is a daily vitamin for your hair. These products provide moisture to the hair and protection from heat. I literally will not wash my hair unless I have one of these to spray onto wet hair. So, shower, then spray, then follow up with the Wet brush before blow drying.

  5. Maintenance- Ok, so you know when you were a kid and would get a loose thread on a sweater? What happens if you don’t cut the thread? It frays people! We all know this. Your hair? No different. If you are trying to grow your hair longer, you still need regular trims, you just add a few weeks to your regular cycle. For instance, if you normally go 6 weeks between trims, try going 12. You still have to maintain healthy ends so that they do not fray and break off. You know that lady with hair down to her butt in the mall, but the bottom of it looks like a total of 4 hairs made it to the finish line? Let’s avoid that look by getting a fresh cut.

All right my friends, I hope I dropped some truth bombs that blew your mind! Stay tuned for more nuggets of knowledge coming your way!

XOXO ~Emaley

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